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About Us

OpenSesame ICT passionately takes up the challenge with you to prove that a mature open source solution inspires the people in your organisation to perform even better in what they are good at.
Pivotal is always the simplicity of the solution to empower people.
Our experienced consultants are passionate about advising the best of both worlds: open source where possible in combination with closed source if necessary. Thus we can guarantee the optimal quality/price/performance. It’s no religion, just common sense.

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OpenSesame ICT is a Dutch software company that focuses on the creation of knowledge intensive business solutions based on the Open Source platform. These solutions are delivered under the name OpenIMS and Sugar. With several projects on Content, Document, Knowledge, CRM and Workflow Management OpenSesame ICT has proven to deliver outstanding solutions for knowledge and information management. For more information please contact Mr. E. van Korven (Business Development Manager) bdm@osict.com or visit the website www.osict.com.

Company OpenSesame ICT B.V.
Address Richterslaan 2
Zipcode NL-3431 AK
Town Nieuwegein
Country The Netherlands
Route Click here for the route description
Web www.osict.com
e-mail info@osict.com
Name Mr. E. van Korven
Function Sales department
Phone +31(0)30 60 35 640
Fax +31(0)30 63 00 333
e-mail info@osict.com

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